Friday 9 December 2011

Why You Should Buy Facebook Friends

By Smith Gerrard

You love Facebook. It is the most popular social networking site in the world today. Maybe you have around ten or twenty friends of Facebook and you see others that have over five hundred. You may ask yourself how in the world did they ever get that many friends. Do they really know that many people? The simple answer to that is no way. You can buy Facebook friends, though.

Even celebrities have over five hundred friends. That is too good to be true. You are probably one of them. But, are they really friends? No. They are just people that have signed up to be friends. Well, you want more friends, fake or not. But, still, you want more.

You can buy friends if you want more. But, who in the world wants to buy a friend that is not real? Well, there are thousands of people wanting to do this, but, they need a few suggestions. Here are some suggestions for you if you really want to buy some friends.

Simply get yourself to the Craigslist website and place an ad for friends. You don't have to get real elaborate and detailed. When you do this there will be others just like you that want that too and they will send you an invite. And, that doing this is very easy. Just be sure not to put your real location there. Always stay safe.

There are sites that you can sell you Facebook membership for friends. That would be eBay. This is a free sign up web site. It is a great way to make a little money at least.

Here is a method that could be a little goofy, but it does work. Open up and start a bunch of email accounts and make some fantasy or fake friends. This sounds like a lot of work and maybe a little depressing, but, you are looking for friends aren't you?

Join a group on the site. You don't even need to join a site that you even like. The point is for you to tell everyone to join because the site is really cool. You don't need to like it. You are trying to get more friends, and that should be your main goal.

These are just a few suggestions for you to try and make new real or fake friends for your Facebook account. It sounds like a lot of work for some of it, but, if you really want to buy Facebook friends, these are some ways you can do it.

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