Wednesday 21 December 2011

Efficient Ways to Bring Down Mobile Bills

By Jack Richards

Mobile phones have become the sixth finger for so many of us. Our day stumbles if we are not able to use our cell phone for one full day. As the dependency and usage of cell phone increases, the money we spend for our mobile phones also increases rapidly. However there are many ways to drain the fat mobile bills increasing our BP every month.

If all the members of your family use a cell phone make sure you get a family package, which is very profitable. This will help you gain lot of free minutes, talk to one another at an unbelievingly low cost and get additional lines at very low cost. Companies like AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon offer great nationwide family plans.

Having a track of your general mobile phone usage will help you get saved from being charged for extra ISD calls and numerous other miscalculations. Make it a point to check your mobile bills properly before paying to save a lot of money, always deducted by mistake. If you are already subscribed to a suitable plan, do not get yourself carried away by numerous upgrades and so called affordable cell phone plans, which tempt you to pay more and more.

The upgrade option might be very tempting with all free SMS services and extra minutes, but will make you pay more. The most affordable cell phone plan for the consumers is the prepaid service. Make best use of it whenever possible. AT&T pay as you go plans are one of the best in the market.

Check for any discount applicable to you like senior citizen discounts, employer discounts and corporate card facilities. Corporate card can reduce your mobile bill up to 30% flat. Check with your service provider for such affordable cell phone plans. Try buying an unlocked phone if possible. This will help you to switch the service provider easily if you think you have come across other affordable cell phone plans Though unlocked phones are bit costlier than other phones, they can be very useful in reducing your mobile bills.

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