Saturday 18 June 2011

Notable Social Features of the HTC Inspire

By Gareth Jale

Social networking is one of the key ways people that stay connected to their friends, family, local businesses, favorite celebrities and media outlets. While MySpace dominated a few years ago, sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin are now leading the way. The amount of time people spend on these sites can consider social networking an addiction. Sheryl Sandberg, the CEO of Facebook, has stated that about 175 million people log into Facebook every single day. In fact, many people log in more than once a day. Because social networking has become so popular, cell phone manufactures have created ways to enhance their users' experience.

This device comes with several pre-installed applications that make it easy for users to access their social networking accounts. This phone features the Facebook and Twitter application that have been installed when the phone was created. Once a user logs onto these accounts from their phone, the phone will sync to their profile and allow the user to update their Facebook status, post pictures, and comment on friend's walls. These apps make it almost too easy to stay connected.

The Inspire also offers a unique application called the Friend Stream. Friend Stream is a program that connects all of your social sites together. Anytime a status is updated it will show on your Friend Stream Application. You can also post any status or tweet directly through this application.

There are also other types of social networking applications that you can access through the Android Market. There are two other applications. Linkedin is a social program for professional and Foursquare is an application for the active social nightlife lovers. With so many social networking programs that are available it is hard not to download and take advantage of them all. Most people enjoy trying new apps as much as they enjoy purchasing a new screen protector or a case. There are so many different accessories that you might to purchase them all.

The bottom line is that mobile social networking can be more convenient than logging into a computer. One reason is because you can upload all types of pictures directly from your phone. There is no need to go to your computer and upload the images from there when you can do it from your phone. When using certain accessories, like an additional memory card, users can even save their favorite Facebook photos to their phone. Anyone that can take full advantage of their mobile phone will quickly learn how easy social networking can be on a smart phone.

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