Sunday 12 June 2011

About Old Mobile Phones For Cash And Save Our Environment

By Frederick Sienkiewicz

Recycling doesn't mean biodegradable only. Even electronic stuff can be reused or disposed of properly as well. What's at stake is the need for recycling cell phones. It is common practice nowadays to trade in old mobile phones for cash wherein they get refurbished and sold off again to the public. Some of them are disassembled and salvaged for parts that can still be utilized in the refurbishment of other such mobile units.

You may not bee aware of it but all cell phones contain dangerous and harmful substances and chemicals known around the world.They contain Lead, Arsenic, Mercury and Cadmium.Known to be very harmful and even deadly to man himself, do you have any idea of the scale of damage this will cause to our environment if it contaminates the soil?Aside from affecting human beings, these can cause massive fish kills in our rivers. Cadmium poisoning will stem out from eating contaminated and undetected plants especially root crops. Cadmium poisoning can be highly lethal. A great indicator of this is when you are experiencing great pain in your bones including your spine because of bone softening.

Clearly, you must not get rid of those old phones of yours in this manner.If you have to throw it away, don't use a trash can. The best way is to recycle mobile phones for cash and to do that, you merely need to visit any trustworthy mobile phone recycling site online whom you know will make good use of your junk Our environment can now breathe a little more easily as you have contributed in removing the strain that factories inflict on it for making all those new models of mobile phones and gadgets.

You need not worry about anything because there are numerous recycling establishments that you can deal with. The first thing to do would be to enter your search keywords like 'Selling my cell phone' or variations of it and a list of top re-cyclists will be presented to you. Although all of them buy your stuff, they vary a lot in their rates and other features.Simply put, the process is the same all through out. Your registration on their site is needed. Next is you send them your unit and get your cash in return a few days later.You're done!Now you can finally get rid of your anxiety every time you sell your phone on eBay.If it applies to you, you can now do without meeting up with people to complete a transaction in dark places. Just send it and and hey presto you get paid!

This way, you get rid of your old and useless mobile units, get paid to do it, and done the environment a huge favor. You're now efficiently converting your old mobile phones for cash. How about you move on further by going through your neighborhood and collecting all those other phones? There's lots of different means of getting these units. By any chance, are you part of the choristers of your church? Or maybe a member of some other establishment perhaps? If yes, wouldn't this be a great way for your group to raise some funds? Putting up a few drop boxes near churches or malls would be a great idea as well.Maybe you have another more effective method in mind right now. In your circle of friends, figure out who has recently bought new cell phone units. What have they done with their previous ones? Most likely they have hidden them in a soon-to-be-forgotten corner. Find out what they plan to do with it. Enlighten them on the rewards of selling their mobile phones for cash. Now gather all those units that are not used anymore and mail them off to a recycling company of your choice and in return get paid for it.

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