Wednesday 23 November 2011

New Ways How To Get More Facebook Fans

By Leon Hill

How would you like to use Facebook to promote your business. This very large social network is one of the worlds largest advertising. The key to using Facebook as an effective advertising tool is getting more fans. Here are some tips to show you how to get more Facebook fans.

Many fan pages are begun by someone that is not associated with the corporate office of the product that is being featured. The person may have purchased a product and simply enjoy it.

One example is a clothing product fan page. The creator of one fan page in particular is a private university president that wore the product as a teen. This page was created six months ago and simply by friends of friends of the creator of the page joining has gown to over two hundred fans. According to Facebook rules, these pages created by a fan should be a group page.

However, there are other times that you will want to promote your own product through Facebook. This is perfectly allowable in the Facebook world. You will create a new page.

You can create and review the page before it goes public. Then you will be able to invite friends to view your page. Fans can invite others to become fans and when they join or respond to your comments, notification is sent to all their friends. Each notification gives others the opportunity to become a fan of yours. Each fan that is added increased your business by one dollar.

At times your page may become stagnant and not seem to be growing. This is the perfect time to add some targeted fans purchased through They offer opportunities to increase your social media outreach in many different formats.

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