Monday 7 November 2011

Navigational Features of your HTC Amaze 4G

By Alex Jose Valenz

GPS, or Global Positioning System, is very useful for drivers who want to find their way from one place to another. With a GPS at hand, they can easily get instructions and directions on how to get to their destination with just a few button presses. And as smart phones steadily improve with each passing year, so does the GPS applications for smart phones.

GPS on smart phones is one of the greatest combination of two useful devices, especially with the majority of people having their own smart phones. With these phones at hand, they don't need to buy a separate device for GPS services. They can just use their smart phones to download GPS applications and get the same GPS services they would get when availing for GPS devices. And with the release of 4G phones, such as the new HTC Amaze 4G, GPS applications and services for smart phones have never been this easier! The list below contains some of the many useful GPS applications you can use when you need directions to your destination:

Loopt is one of the GPS applications you should get for your smart phone. It is mostly a business application, but it can also be a good GPS application, as it shows all the businesses and important establishments within your current location. It also has an interactive map and gives ratings (made by several users of this application) to each of the businesses and establishments. Loopt is very useful if you are on an unfamiliar place, especially if you are looking for a hotel, restaurant, or a business establishment. Loopt is also free to download so you can just avail of it without paying a single cent.

Another good GPS application for your smart phone is GPS-R. GPS-R is a mix of a GPS application and a to-do list. This is because GPS-R reminds you whenever you have a task to do on an establishment. Here's an example: if you are taking a walk in the park, and you need to remind yourself that you need to walk your dog, this application will remind you of the task at hand. A really cool application, isn't it? It also comes with an interactive map, just like an ordinary GPS application would have. However, this application is not free. But this GPS application is worth every cent you pay for it.

If you are fond of social networking websites, you can get Waze. Combining social networking and GPS application into one decent application, Waze has the best of both worlds. You can chat with other "Wazers" (of course, it is not recommended to do while you are currently driving) and notify (and be notified as well) them about traffic jams, accidents, or hazards that might come in their direction. Waze can save you a lot of time indeed, helping you get specific directions as well as additional instructions from other "Wazers" to help you save time. A truly useful application, indeed.

GPS applications are useful, but it can drain your smart phone's battery fast. When using these GPS applications, it is recommended that you use some HTC Amaze 4G accessories such as a creen protectors and a ase in order to prolong its life, and its battery life as well. Not only will it complement the use of GPS applications, it can also be useful in long drives. After all, it would be a huge trouble if you ran out of phone battery in an unfamiliar place, so make sure to use these accessories when you're out for a drive.

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