Sunday 13 November 2011

The Different Types Of Telephone Systems - Then And At Present

By Samantha Gershinger

Who would have thought that connecting with love ones who are in different parts of the world would be possible with the use of a simple device and radio frequencies? Maybe this idea would be hard to believe if we are in the earlier times, but with the great minds like Alexander Graham Bell this was made possible. As he once said, "I believe in the future wires will unite the head offices of telephone companies in different cities, and a man in one part or the country may communicate by word of mouth with another in a distant place". Today, keeping in touch with love ones, friends and people from different places is a just a phone call away. With the invention of the telephone and the cellphones which are frequently seen carried in leather mobile phone cases, missing someone is a problem no more.

The great improvement in the world's telecommunication system of the world happened on March 10, 1876 when the first telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. Originally the idea of the telephones started when Michael Faraday discovered that vibrations of metal could be converted to electrical impulses, and when Johann Philip Reis invented an apparatus that changed sound to electricity and back to sound in 1861. With all these ideas, Bell worked on his experiments with the electrical signals of the telegraph, hence he invented the telephone.

Through the years, different inventors who were inspired by Bell's work tried to create and improve the telephone. Today there are different systems of the telephone available and the most common is the cellphone which are often seen carried in leather mobile cases. The landline telephones system, cellular wireless telephone systems, and the internet protocol telephone systems are the three types of telephone systems. First, the landline telephone system is a system that employs standardized equipment; it is also considered the great descendent of Graham Bell's telephone. Aside from these, it is also a part of the Plain Old Telephone system (POTS) which uses full-duplex system. This system allows both people on the call to talk at the same time. The reason that a lot of people opt to using these telephone system rather than the others is because it produces predictable sound quality. In addition, sharing of the system's capacity with others is not required by the landline telephone system.

Second, the cellular wireless telephone system is the system which is required for mobile phones. Unlike the landline telephone system, the cellular wireless system carries not only voice but also data. On the other hand, this system also allows full-duplex system like the landline; however, it uses radio frequencies rather than copper wire. Lastly, the Internet Protocol telephone system or the Voice-over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a system that offers existing Internet service with the use of cable service or DSL broadband to connect to a network.

Among the aforementioned telephone system, a lot of people prefer the cellular wireless system because of the popularity of cellphones. Aside from these cellphones are also now considered as important tools and must haves. Cellphones which are often placed in leather mobile cases are very useful especially during emergency and they can be used anywhere in the world. Today, different types and styles of these are available in the market and among these are the Smartphones, touch screens, slider phones, flip phones, budget cellphones and the personal digital assistants (PDA).

Through the invention of Bell's telephone, communication around the world improved and people in different parts of the world are able to become connected even just through the telephone. In the coming years, a lot of innovative inventions and improvements on the cellphones and telephones can be expected, which means that there are more leather mobile phone cases to be used.

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