Wednesday, 7 September 2011

A Root Directory Look At The Entries In The Computer's Registry

By Valerie Howard

Everywhere you look you can find web sites talking about repairing the computer's windows registry. When our computers are slow this is where we need to look first. I realize a lot of people do not actually care in the least how things work, but others like me would like to know more. I simply like to have a bit more information.

Now why is this registry so vital - what is it - and why does it slow down my PC? You've probably read about its entry listings and errors and it becoming unorganized. OK, let's look at the windows registry itself and then maybe we will get a better grasp on this problem area. It certainly seems that way to many people have computer and registry operating issues. To do this we can go inside to the computer's Registry Editor.

Here are two of the ways you can access your Registry Editor and at least one route ought to get you there no matter what PC operating system you've got. First one, type Registry Editor into the system search located just above the Start icon and click on search and you ought to see it. Or, second choice, go to Control Panel then to Accessories and then click on Run. Type in RegEdit. And then of course click on the Registry Editor.

You've now reached the pc's root directory. Now do not mess with anything, unless you know more about this than I believe you do. There is almost a 100 percent chance that there are items here that shouldn't be, but it would be pretty unwise to start removing stuff in here.

You may have seen in earlier postings about my having an accounting program on my computer and that I uninstalled it. Well as I look down the Registry Editor of my pc I see about 2 dozen entries still from that program as well as an integrated program for inventory that was removed. Doing a program uninstall simply doesn't eradicate these registry posts.

I am sure as you check down this very long directory you can see things on your own computer that shouldn't still be located there as well. But even if not you can now see how a registry can become overloaded and just plain clogged up.

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