Sunday 1 November 2009

Using a Broadband Speed Test

By Edward Dantes

With broadband connectivity found in most households and companies with small network scales; ISPs are looking for ways to give faster speeds than their competitors plus other special incentives in order to capture a larger market share.

The consumer market however, have to be sure that the kind of broadband connection they have truly is the best one in the industry and it's no longer acceptable that we simply rely on the data being given us by our ISPs. We need to check for ourselves just how fast is fast.


It would appear that everything we need can be located in the World Wide Web and this includes free tests to see the rate of our broadband internet. There are a few sites that provide this broadband speed rate test and it's very easy to take.

What happens is that when we go to a certain website that offers this type of speed test, you will simply follow a couple of steps and then the test will start immediately online. We don't have to download or install any program.

The website will go on and try to download something to your computer and they will then continue to find out the speed upon which the download occurs. The similar steps are followed but this time, to see your upload speed. In a few minutes, you will get your results and you will already know if your broadband connection is as fast as your ISP claims.


Naturally, you would want to know the speed of your broadband internet for many reasons but perhaps the most vital of these is to see if your ISP is delivering the kind of service that they promised. As a consumer, you have the right to verify these kinds of things.

On the occasion that you are not happy with the speed test results, you can then search for other broadband service providers that will give you a better surfing experience. This works ideally for you because you would want to be paying for the type of service that you expect from an ISP.

Overall, broadband connection speed tests are there to help us determine the quality of our broadband connectivity.

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