Thursday 19 November 2009

Rethink Your Teamwork

By Nicola Trent

When you've tried to work together with other people you already know, that the most important point is communication. Without good communication people set priorities, depending on their personal estimation. Everyone will try to do his part best, but this can result in some problems regarding the whole project itself. Even when all parts are finished, they may not fit together, because the several interfaces don't fit together.

To ensure a successfull project's end, you have to schedule team meetings. These can be recurring meetings (e.g. every Monday) or short termed meetings, every time you need to clarify things with other team members.

It can be easy to schedule a meeting when all project members are within one building. But it becomes more difficult, when every team member is located at a different place or even different country. Then you should use a project managing platform which offers multiple communication and planning possibilities.

In today's broadband world it's easy to work together, even when you're thousands of miles away from all other project attendants. There are lots of project, scheduling and team collaboration software packages available. You just have to evaluate which one fits best for your terms.

There are lots of different approaches, online and offline, with synchronization or without etc. You have to think about the features you need for four project. This may be a scheduler, task- and contacts manager or an email client. Keep in mind, that even if you're a computer pro, other may be not. So try to look for a team software which offers the main features you need and is easily understandable. Don't take a software which offers so many functions and is too hard to understand, that you have to read the documentation first before starting. Keep it simple and your project's success will be sure.

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