Sunday 29 November 2009

Is SIP A Cost Effective Soluton To ISDN?

By Martin Wacey

The creation of virtual phone lines between your PBX and the public network is accomplished by a new technology called SIP.(Session Initiation Protocol).The following article attempts to answer the question :-Is SIP a cost effective solution to ISDN?

Telephone calls can then be made over your internet connection with the subsequent savings being made on the ISDN and analogue line rentals.

You can try this new technology in a risk free way by using the SIP trunks for outgoing calls and the remaining ISDN lines for the incoming calls.Outgoing calls could still be routed over the ISDN channels if the Internet connection fails.Trying the technology out brings immediate savings.This means there are no upfront investment costs to consider.

Cheaper phone calls and cheaper analogue and lSDN costs are the tangible rewards as the surplus lines are no longer needed.This means no initial investment as any minor installation costs are immediately swallowed up by the savings.

An example of this is the fact that companies dont need people on the phone all of the time.With SIP trunks costing a fraction of ISDN costs savings are easily transparent.Companies tend to rent more ISDN channels than they actually need. This means an instant return on any initial minor installation costs.

And therein lies the advantage of migrating to SIP.You can replace some of the costly analogue lines and ISDN channels with SIP trunks and try out the technology in an entirely risk free way as the remaining ISDN and analogue lines will serve as back up if the internet were to fail.

As reduced call costs are an additional automatic benefit it is essential when looking for a company that offers SIP that you get a quote for these rates.

One such company offering this technology is Tipicall.At the moment they are running a promotion offering free SIP trunking for life.

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