Wednesday 7 November 2012

Test The Limits With An Extreme Sports App

By Tonia Michael

Extreme sports is a serious field full of serious people. Skiers and boarders, surfers and divers, climbers and jumpers, gliders and flyers; these are just some of sport enthusiasts devoted to reaching the limit, and sometimes pushing it further. There is an extreme sports app for virtually all athletic endeavors. They have been developed for the iPhone and other smartphones to help thrill-seeks boost their adrenalin that much further, mashing limits in the process.

These tools help thrill-seeking adventurers track their progress, find new spots, record their best moments and overcome emergencies. Some of the apps are paid, but many are free. All take advantage of clever iPhone technologies. Many athletes consider them essential equipment for any extreme sports person.

The Extreme Sports Map for iPhone is a prime example. The map pinpoints hundreds, if not thousands, of adrenalin-pumping locations all over the globe. It has something for all extremists; abseiling sites, surf sites, mountain trails, scuba sites and so on. New entries are added each day by extreme enthusiasts; jumpers for jumpers, divers for divers. Precise geo-location details are provided along with detailed descriptions. It is a platform updated by athletes for athletes.

Ski Track is made especially for snow skiers and snow boarders. The app transforms a mobile phone into a speedometer. Its main concern is speed. It documents the speed traveled by a skier or boarder carrying the phone. It logs distance traveled, average and maximum seeds, altitude climbed and other related data. The software will end all arguments among buddies about who moved the fastest along the piste or through the back country.

Best Session Ever is useful for all thrill-seeking sports freaks, from skate boarder to hang glider, from diver to jumper. It allows athletes to record, log and easily share their best sporting moments with family and buddies, using Facebook if they wish. The app cements experience into into a a permanent record, complete with tracking and geo-location. The software is easy to use.

Best Session Ever is designed to build a community of athletes to benefit all members of the platform. For example, users can search out the latest hotspots by identifying where the Best Session Ever community has been carving it up. A data recorder helps individuals keep track of their personal progress and pinpoints where they enjoyed their last session.

Another general app designed for the safety-conscious, thrill-seeking junkie. When the unthinkable happens, things can go wrong; then you want Rescue. It can make the difference between life and death. In an emergency situation, the software sets off alarms, flashlights and even activates GPS tracking to help alert rescue teams determine your whereabouts and guide a recovery effort. It sends emergency messages to personal contacts with your location details. It also offers auto-dial to emergency services based on your location without any need to look up the numbers. If you really want to be prepared when you run into trouble, get Rescue.

There is an extreme sports app that is perfect for your needs. It will help you reach your limits. Hundreds are already distributed through the Apple iPhone App store. And new ones are added virtually every day.

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