Wednesday 19 October 2011

Could Using Cell Phone Technology Hurt Your Health?

By Steve Marshman

Protect your brain. Preserve your gourd.

Can you imagine leaving home without your cell phone? Apparently not a lot of people can these days. With the cell phone's debut in 1984, 92,000 earlyadapters raced to have one. As of 5 years back, it was estimated that more than 170 million American citizens were using cell phones. Worldwide , an amazing 1.5 billion cell phones are constantly sending their invisible frequencies through the airwaves. That number is much greater now.

Around the globe, folk are welcoming all things wireless. Doubtless, this technology offers an entire world of new possibilities. But there are hazards sneaking. Is there something you have to know about the wireless world you haven't been told? The answer could actually influence your health and the healthiness of your youngsters and grandchildren.

Although the wireless industry has always claimed its technology is completely safe, no radical safety testing was ever conducted before introducing cell phones into the mass market. That is, technology nearly always outpaces our awareness of the potential health hazards from these advancements. Could it just be an accident that brain cancer rates in America have gone up by 25 percent since the advent of the cell phone?

Electro-Magnetic Frequency (EMF) is the measure of radiation that comes out of a cell phone, wireless phone, television, computer, hair dryer, vacuum,microwave stove, fridge, auto, Wii game or other electric device. Cell phones emit the same sort of radiation as microwave ovens"just in smaller amounts. While no one in their right mind would ever consider sticking their head into a microwave oven, closing it and turning it on, each time you hold a cell phone up to your ear you are blitzing your head with microwave radiation!

EMF's (electro-magnetic frequencies) are everywhere, and that is precisely the problem. Research by Henry Lai, Ph.D, proved that brain cells are obviously spoilt by microwave levels far below the U.S. Government's "safety" guidelines. Kids, kids and young adults are even more subject to these radio-waves. The thickness of childrens ' skulls from 1-5 years is .5mm, 5-10 years is 1.0 mm and an adult skull thickness is more like 2.0mm. This renders kids, teenagers and teens more vulnerable to cell phone radiation by over three times the rate of adults. A two-minute call not only alters the electrical activity of the brain for up to an hour, but also penetrates the blood brain barrier deep into the brain. Some doctors worry that troubled brain activity in kids is leading to psychiatric and behaviour issues or diminished learning ability.

An Oz of prevention. Therefore what's to be done?

One of the best solutions is called a BioChip, developed by German scientists. These cheap EMF harmonizing chips are activated and programmed to neutralize and harmonize the range of frequencies that spring from cell phones, wireless phones and other EMF emitting devices, converting them into harmless frequency waves. Once the chip is applied to the telephone or other electrical device , the results of damaging electro-magnetic frequencies are actually neutralized, making them safer to use.

Wireless technology is here for good, whether we like it or not. Approaching this technology with care and protection will permit us all to profit from the technology and remain safer at the same time.

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