Wednesday 3 June 2009

GPS Navigation System

By Alexis Kenne

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) developed by the United States Department of Defense and managed by the United States Air Force. intended for military applications in 1980, it is often used by civilians for navigation purposes.Working 24hours a day,on following all weather conditions anywhere worldwide with no subscription fee to pay nor charges for its setup.

Satelite Navigation existed long ago than many people can realize today.The bases of NavSat were experimented long ago in 1967.However the NavStar GPS System could only be functional 30years after providing timing informations to the military during the 1990s then tranmitted to civlian users though the cost of usage of this application was very elevated, however subscriptions are required to be paid.Surveyors and Pilots first took advantage of the Navstar GPS given that they needed acurate signals, place, time to be figured out.During the early years, an average car owner was not able to afford a GPS auto navigation syetem easily.

Since it became fully operational, accesible to all and cheaper, the GPS navigation systems has become a widely used aid to navigation worldwide, and so many people use it to get information about their journeys,where they are going, and where they are.

This application is not only used by extensive travellers but the automobile navigation system is also benefited by people who spend hours in their vehicles like truck drivers, or SUV.Other simple user may just have one idea.That is the navigation sytem that will suit you best.What is important to note is the diffrents types of navigation system existing and thier functions then you can go ahead to chose what you need precisely.

There are various kinds of auto navigation systems in the market today which are 1. Stand-alone auto navigation system This navigation systems provides complete mapping quality . 2. Multipurpose Handheld Navigation Devices. 3. Laptop/Palm Based Systems If you possess Palm or laptop devices which you often move along with just turn it into a navigation system

The multipurpose handheld navigation system is also has systematic utilities however, do not have detailed information that the stand-alone navigation system.

In the paragraphs below are different ways on how to use the auto navigation system and GPS technology during your trips: 1. Organising your journey. Before getting into your car and starting the engine, you first need to know where you are going to that is your destination. 2. Retaining the names of restaurant hotels and theatres . While on your trip, there is a points where you may need to eat something or stop for a while to take rest or even entertain yourself.In this case you will need to know a restaurant, a hotel or a theatre.

Forget the days that an hour drive was doubled into more driving hours because no direction was indicated to take from the ongoing.Cars remained stranded on desert places and roads because of gas tank running out causing the car to fume.Thanks,to the GPS Navigation System , anyone is able to know where to go, know where you are and helps you get to your final destination using the shortest way.Today if you are out on vacation or out for work,your journey will be much more easier given that you will not need to carry along any large map, atlass or even to hire any commerciale tour guide thereby helping you to save your money, fuel, energy and your time.

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