Monday, 18 July 2011

Some Applications of the Reverse Cell Phone Lookup

By Joe Macker

A standard phone directory records customer's data such as the name and address and these data are utilized by a directory user to recall the customer's cell phone number or telephone number. Also known as the gray pages directory and crisscross directory, a reverse cell phone lookup is different from the conventional directory since you utilize the phone number instead to seek customer information like the owner of the number and the particular address.

US telephone companies have been making printed reverse phone directories for quite some time now and handed it to public libraries and agencies for law enforcement. However, the use of reverse cell phone lookup has been controversial because of the security and privacy concerns when not used appropriately. Let us now see how reverse phone directories are used.

In law enforcement, reverse phone directories are utilized to recover the address of particular phone numbers. For instance, this is used in a particular 911 call. If the caller ID cannot identify the cell phone number or phone number, the number is scanned using the reverse cell phone lookup and recall the data of the caller such as the name and address. By using this, they can immediately response to certain address and provide help even if the caller didn't tell the address.

The reverse phone directory is another one of the many important tools in any public library. When they could not locate the address of the book's borrower but they have instead the borrower's phone number, they will merely check the reverse cell phone lookup and recover the registered address of the borrower. When there are fines or some conflicts, they may call the borrower using the address recovered.

But in the US, phone subscribers can choose to give an extra amount so that their number will not be included in the reverse phone numbers. Since cell phones have become popular as well, it has been debated for a long time whether or not to release cell phone numbers to the public and to be included in the reverse phone directories. Currently, these numbers are not yet included but there are several information companies that provide reverse cell phone directories. This data was gathered from resources that are obtained online.

This data, if not utilized properly, can turn out to be a privacy and security concern for a lot of people. However, with the availability of the internet and certain companies who take advantage of this feature such as fund raisers, telemarketers and others who contact consumers by telephone, there is no assurance that you'll be safe. Put extra care in giving out your cell phone number to unfamiliar persons or those who have not earned your trust.

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