Saturday 8 June 2013

Getting Started With CCG Games

By Michelle Howe

When most people think about card games, they probably picture poker or blackjack. However, there are many more types of cards that can be used to compete with other players, and the games that they are used for often go far beyond what can be done with a standard deck. CCG games have become a very popular competitive hobby that just about anyone can find enjoyable.

A CCG, or Collectible Card Game, is one that requires a specialized deck of cards to play. This is assembled by the player, either individually or by purchasing packs, and focuses on a particular theme. Although common starter decks can be bought, most players end up adding or subtracting cards from theirs until they have perfected it exactly to their liking.

The theme of any particular CCG may be something that was created especially for that game itself. This is true of games such as Magic: The Gathering. With these, the story and characters were written for the purpose of being included here, and do not come from an outside source.

There are plenty of options that do draw their inspiration from previously existing situations and characters, however. Titles based on Star Trek, Marvel superheroes, and World of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment's online game, are examples of existing properties that have CCGs based on television shows, comics, and video games respectively. Creators must be careful when using these types of themes that their creations do not stray too far outside of existing fiction.

The rules of each different title will obviously vary, but there are often at least a few similarities. Play usually takes place in phases, during which moves are prepared and then executed according to which cards a player holds in his or her hand. They also usually share the need for a goal, whether that is some sort of milestone or something as simple as eliminating all opponents first.

Many varieties have tournaments devoted to them, in which numerous people may compete at a higher level. These can get very large, even extending to an international scale, especially when more popular titles are involved. For people who would like to expand their hobby to more than a small circle of friends, this is a fantastic opportunity.

Many people may not have the time or the money to meet up with others to play, so online versions are popular as well. Although they still usually cost money, it can be less expensive, and finding matches is usually easier. The rules must sometimes be altered to suit the new format, but overall the experience is very similar.

Those who love collections as well as those who simply love to compete in a friendly game will find CCG games to be both fun and challenging. Learning the rules and perfecting your play style is a delicate art, but worth the time. Keep competing and see how good you can get!

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