Saturday 2 February 2013

Options On How To Get Free Cell Phone Service

By Brittney Swanson

With the increasing rate of unemployment and the rising costs of commodities, a lot of people are finding ways to have access to utilities which are not so costly. A lot of people today are starting to find means on how to get free cell phone service. Know that a lot of programs happen to be available to people, provided that they qualify.

A program is one of the government initiatives around, and happens to be a program you may easily take advantage of. Such a program originally was meant for the trunklines. Today, however, it extended and includes services just for mobile phones. In order to avail of that program, qualifiying is needed first.

Basically, in qualifying for such a program by the government, you first need to have a low income. But other requirements exist, and these could be checked via the agency of the government which is taking charge of that program. Other than an income that is low, other requirements often include receiving help that comes from the government.

In particular, you must receive either the disability aid, food stamp, or others. Should it happen that you are qualified, you then obtain a cellphone having 250 minutes monthly. With such sort of program, users may choose to have added minutes per month if required.

However, there is a need for dishing out money before you can have and use the minutes. Know that millions of families having low income now are benefiting from the program and are happy that this need is fulfilled in a way. This is because of the fact that some important affairs are being covered, like getting a job, having appointments with doctors scheduled, and keeping in touch with members of the family.

Should it happen that you are a victim of abusive treatment, you may then make use of phones which belong to such a program in contacting abuse lines which are available. It must be known that it is under such a program too. Along with the services the government is providing, it is also possible to have services without any sort of charge through one program which is non-government.

Certain companies exist which provide services along with mobile phones to families deemed to be earning income that is low. They have their own programs bearing a similarity with what the government is offering to that same demographic. It is a fact that like a program by the government, people who use this obtain free phones as well as a similar number of minutes per month.

That program differs unlike other programs which they have, since no contracts should be signed, activating fees, along with surcharges, plus others. However, at present, such a program only is available in possibly 22 states. It is said, however, that there happen to be plans to have this available in possibly more places.

These are the ways on how to get free cell phone service. Usually, you will need to complete a form before you take advantage of the said service. Once you have done so, the company or the government will process your application first before getting the phones which you need.

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