Monday 25 June 2012

Features Of Dodgeball App For Smart Phones

By Thelma Kent

When smart phones and tablets were virtually unknown you had not much option while traveling except reading. And if you were someone who did not like to read, all you could do was get bored staring at others read around you. However, with the advanced technology, you can enjoy games like Dodgeball app in your hands.

This game is very popular with a large number of people belonging to all age groups. You may easily play this sport because the instructions are very simple to understand. Therefore, it is now straightforward for anyone to toss a few balls around using their smart phones.

Searching for this entertaining game is very simple. You only need to browse the World Wide Web to find a downloadable version of this game. Once you download and install the game on your phone, you will not require connecting to the Internet to play a game.

However, you can add to the fun and competition by challenging other players through the Internet. Thus, you can play the game with your friends and enjoy a real life experience that is available when you play on the field. Another advantage of this application is that most of the vendors provide it free of any costs.

The entire process of downloading and installing the game requires very little time. The basic version of this sport uses a stick figure avatar while playing. The objective is to avoid the falling balls from hitting your avatar against a background of crumpled sheet of blocked paper.

The user maneuvers his or her phone tilting to avoid the falling balls from hitting the avatar. Additionally, you will need to try and catch the falling stars that provide a bonus of hundred points. To make the sport more challenging, you can try to beat the top scores on the leader boards. Thus, users are able to avoid the popular sport by installing the dodgeball app on their smart phones.

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