Friday 11 September 2009

GPS Units Are Made For Many Purposes

By Jason Peters

People who never thought they would get a GPS unit are now considering them as prices come down and they become easier to understand and use. Most units have a voice direction system where you don't even have to look at the screen to get your directions! GPS capabilities are also in a few phones and it works especially well in childrens phones. Parents who want to be able to track their children are now able to with the aid of these special phones.

There are a few different manufacturers who make GPS units and if you are thinking of buying one this summer you will have to make a choice. Mio is a maker that has units that are trendier than some of the others and they are trying to reach a younger crowd. For instance, they have recently released their Knight Rider GPS devices that sit atop your car dashboard and let you experience a K.I.T.T like voice exactly like the television series.

The industry leader in America is a brand called Garmin. They have a sizable share of the GPS market and they have a variety of units for many different purposes. You can buy GPS devices for boating, biking, and airplanes as well as for other applications. Most of the ones from this manufacturer all have speech capabilities that help greatly with safety, as you dont have to take your eyes off the road or trail.

Although the prices of GPS units have come down somewhat, they have not come down as much percentage wise as other new technologies such as flat screens. Usually, when something is new it is very high priced and only a few can afford it. As more units are produced and the new technology is perfected, the price often comes down significantly. As mentioned, the price has come down somewhat for GPS units but not enough to make them desirable for everyone.

The one industry that has fully embraced GPS devices is the rental car industry. Right now you still have to pay extra for one of these units to be included in your car but it is surely just a matter of time before they are standard with all rental cars. People who rent cars are most often from out of town and they are perfect matches for someone who would benefit from one of these GPS units.

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