Saturday 1 August 2009

The Different Aspects Of GPS

By Matt Meeano

Over twenty years ago, the United States developed a system of satellites circling the globe in order to help its military navigate the globe with accuracy. With multiple satellites in geo-synchronous orbit, units on land and sea can quickly get an accurate location and also a glimpse at the surrounding terrain.

The way GPS works is simple. The GPS units receive a signalfrom the satellites in orbit. The signal is analyzed by the satellite and ground based equipment and the exact location of the GPS unit is then revealed.

The most used GPS system is the Car GPS device. This is a fantastic device that will calculate the route from wherever your present position is, to the desired end point. All you will need to know is the address, or place name if it is a stadium or other point of interest. After this information is loaded into the device, it will perform course calculations and graphically display directions to your destination. If you need to deviate from the planned course, for a rest stop or restaurant, the GPS device will quickly recalculate the new coordinates and map out a revised route. Another nice option on some of the newer models is the ability to hear voice commands. The voice feature allows drivers to remain focused on the road in order to minimize accidents.

Manufacturers have taken the last two decades to produce ever smaller GPS devices so their use can become more widespread. Technology has improved so much that the GPS receivers can be inserted into articles of clothing as well as other common conumer items such as cellphones, watches and shoes.

Some companies also offer GPS tracking services. These services are designed with parents in mind. Parents can now keep track of where their chidren are simply by going to the website of the tracking service company. The service monitors the receiver that is on the child and reports back their location.

Since GPS systems are becoming more widespread, this means that their cost has come down. And since the cost has come down, more people adopt their use. The result is literally a tsunami of new GPS units coming online every year.

Car GPS units come in one of two "flavors". You can get a unit that sits on your dashboard or when you get a new car you can get one put into the dashboard. The in-dash unit is the better option as you will not have to worry about taking it out and with you whenever you leave the car.

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